2015 Resolutions I Actually Kept!

So many people complain that making New Years resolutions is a waste of time, because no one actually fulfills them. Personally, I enjoy setting goals and seeing them fulfilled at the end of the year.

Today's post is to prove that it is actually possible to keep your resolutions.

In 2014, I set 67 resolutions and I accomplished 32 of them. This year (2015), I set 44 resolutions and kept 17 of them.

Here are the ones I kept:

1. Start a blog

2. Take the SAT Test

3. Get Driver's License

4. Complete 100 Driving Hours

5. Complete Precepts Study (Bible study I created and led)

6. Apply for Student Leadership team at my church

7. Complete 100 hours of service

8. Complete First Year of Greek

9. Make 20 new friends

10. Share my testimony  5 times

11. Give 20 things away

12. Earn $100

13. Enter a contest

14. Be mentored

15. Learn to cook

16.  Complete first year at new school

17. Get a Bi-mart Card

The key for me is to set goals that don't have to be accomplished on a daily basis.

My challenge to you: Do something to start your year in a wonderful way.

Have fun setting and fulfilling your goals!


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