an impromptu trip to florida

I'm rarely spontaneous, but when I am, I like to think I do it well. I went to Florida this weekend. 

On Thursday evening, I realized that I was ahead on Homework (for probably the first time in my life) and decided to go to the beach, something I had been thinking about doing since I knew I was coming to Georgia. I did some research and found a hotel right on the beach for a decent price for the next day. After hastily making reservations, I made a plan. 

That plan included printed map quest directions, because who can rely on cell service? 

I did use those directions, and ironically enough, I was lost as soon as I left my driveway--I forgot which way was South. That's what happens when you forget to have Google tell you where to go and are also talking with your spiritual director via bluetooth. Anyway....after making a circle around my neighborhood, I finally found a highway that I thought was going south. It was only later that I realized it was the right one. I guess sometimes there are "happy little accidents" (if you know, you know).

The miles passed quickly as I called friends, family, and mentors--I promise it was all hands free-those phone assistants can be really helpful--and updated them. I saw cotton fields for the first time and probably passed peanut fields completely unaware as I drove through Alabama and Florida to Panama City Beach, FL. By the way, I added those two states to the list of those I've been to, which now totals nine.

The beaches in Florida are beautiful. I woke up at 6 and was swimming in the Ocean by 6:30. My fellow Oregonians won't understand, but despite the fact that warm ocean water tastes terrible, you can't help but swim in it. It's so beautiful and it gets so hot in Florida. Anyway, I walked on the beach and the pier. I even bought some postcards before heading back. 

If you ever get a chance, go to Florida's beaches. They're totally worth it. Oh, and make sure your GPS is on.


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