New Years Resolutions Update

I can't believe we're already a week into a new year!

I'm going to list my resolutions below, and In red I'll put what I did this week. Blue is what I'm hoping to do soon/this week to meet those goals. Green is other.

1. Blog everyday
    I wrote 7 blog posts
    Write 6 blog posts (one's done) and plan out 10 more

2. Finish high school well
    Studied like crazy
    Study like crazy again and prepare for midterms

3. Find a church near my college
    On hold until August

4. Work out 3 times a week
    Jan 1st: Walked
    Jan 3rd: Played in the snow
    Jan 4th: Walked
    Jan 6th: Swam for 2 hours
    Jan 7th: 1990's exercise video
    Jan 8th: Swim for 2 hours
    Jan 9th: Go play in the snow
    Jan 11th: Swim for 2 hours
    Jan 13th: Swim for 2 hours

5. Spend time with God daily
    Attempted. No always optimal
    Be more focused, giving 100% of my attention, even if it's for less time.
6. Journal often
    Wrote in my journal twice this week
    Will write twice in my journal next week

7. Get a work study job
    On hold until summer/fall

8. Blog a book
    On hold until summer

9. Go on an adventure with my roommate
    On hold until Summer/Fall

10. Live intentionally and authentically
      Asked myself some deep questions
      Will ask myself more questions and look hard at my life

11. Complete 100 Hours of Service

12. Read through the entire Bible
      Failed at reading plan
      Read 5 chapters

13. Be mentored
      Going to make contact with mentor this week

14. Read at least 12 books outside of school
      Started The Sacred Year by Michael Yankoski
      Read 2 Chapters of The Sacred Year

15. Complete Greek Year #2
      On hold until summer

Have a great second week of 2016!


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